My quilling frame with ice-cream sticks
Hello friends! Today I am going to tell you how I made this quilling frame as shown above. So first let me tell you that there is a lot of nature in this frame. That’s why you can also add more of nature in this frame using the basic shapes. So here I have stuck ice- cream sticks together and painted them black for the base. Now I think we should start off with the butterfly, for the body I have used a five or seven leveled quilling tool which you will find in a quilling set. Then for the head I have folded one quilling strip in half and quilled it from left and right side and I left little bit space in them and folded it back, for the bottom wings I stuck two different colored quilling strips together and quilled it and made it pointed and I got one basic shape, for the upper wings in the same way I stuck four different quilling strips together and quilled it and after that I just pressed the top part a bit to make another basic shape. Next let’s move...
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